Delete Your Digital Postbox Account

If at any time, you decide that you no longer wish to avail of the Digital Postbox, you can delete your account and withdraw consent. Deleting your account stops you from receiving any further messages into your Digital Postbox.

*Please note – deleting your account is a big deal. All your messages and folders will be gone. Please consider this before deleting. If you still wish to proceed, it is advisable to download all your messages first. You can do so using the ‘Export Data’ tool.

A grace period of 48 hours applies – after which, your account and all the contents of your Digital Postbox account will be deleted. In addition, no further messages will be sent to your Digital Postbox.

There is one exception to this rule which relates to the activity logs. Activity logs contain information such as “sent messages” or “notification mail sent”, this information will be stored for a period of time so Public Service Bodies have a record of who they sent messages to. This information will be retained for a max-period of five years.

To delete your Digital Postbox follow the steps below:

Step 1. Log into the Digital Postbox, navigate to your ‘User Profile’


Step 2. Scroll down to find ‘Delete your account’